Wednesday, November 09, 2005

kit kat flood gates have opened...

My my, now I know how to get you lot going! The mere hint of an unusual item of confectionery and you're off like jack rabbits!

Thanks to Tony for this link which lists the staggeringly large menu of kit kat varieties available throughout the world.

Phil did a review of the Caramac Kit kat some time ago, which you can read here. I admit that even though I do sometimes eat Caramacs when feeling particularly sugar deprived, I never indulged in this particular nestle offering. Can you still buy them?

Chris claims that the Green tea coated peanuts he brought back from Shanghai were delicious, but I can't imagine it. How is green tea viscous enough to stay wrapped around a peanut? And what in gods name is Wasabi??


Blogger Chris said...

Wasabi is that green past stuff that you get when buy Sushi - it has a strong kind of mustardy flavour.
Here are the peanuts

5:53 PM  
Blogger OboeJane said...

horseradishy, rather than mustardy, I reckon.

6:58 PM  
Blogger Tony Ruscoe said...

Agreed. Definitely horseradishy.

8:22 PM  

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