Monday, November 21, 2005

Writing minutes

The only possible benefit to writing minutes of meetings that I can discern is to make yourself sound more intelligent/lucid than you did during the actual meeting.

Me during meeting: er, I'm not too sure, I'll find out and let you know.
Minutes: RS confirmed that the decision had not yet been taken but the information would be passed on before the next meeting.

Me during meeting: I'm afraid we didn't have time to draw up the plans before the meeting because you didn't fill out that form I sent you last week.
Minutes: Due to a lack of any formal appointment RS was unable to complete the proposals. It is an ARB requirement that a formal appointment is in place before any design work is undertaken.

Me during the meeting: Did you not get these in the post? Oh right, I'll just get these copied... (aside) Nikki, Nikki, quick, help me photocopy these drawings! (scramble for the copier, return looking flustered) we are... (hand out drawings, find some are missing, run back, copy missing drawings, rush back to meeting room, spill cup of coffee on drawings)
Minutes: Structural drawings were issued.

Do you see? Invaluable for career progression.


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