Sunday, February 19, 2006

Yesterday I saw the most extraordinary thing in Tesco: Australian mineral water.

Is it just me or does this seem totally ridiculous? Why are we importing (and it was imported, I checked the label) water from the other side of the world?

Bottled water is such a waste of energy. In this age of spiraling carbon emissions why are we expending fuel moving water around? If it comes from Buxton or the Scottish highlands then it's just about acceptable if you need a drink and there isn't a tap available, but I would never buy it for consumption at home, and I would never buy water that has been shipped or flown in from another country. Even importing French water seems a waste to me, but Australian?? That's just on another level of stupidity.

Then there's the packaging. All that waste plastic (made from oil) just chucked away.

I have also heard news stories recently about chronic water shortages in the major Australian Cities. Maybe if it gets really really bad, the Red Cross can help out by raising money to fly back their Mineral water to quench the thirst of dying Australians.

I don't have eco-warrior tendencies, but I like to think I use common sense. I try and turn off lights when I leave the room, I recycle waste paper and tins, and I absolutely definitely WILL NOT be purchasing Australian mineral water. I urge you to do the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it not come through that new shiny plastic pipeline (the one from Brisbane to Plymouth)?

6:53 PM  

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