Sunday, August 13, 2006

I have had a fairly heavy weekend as you can imagine. I travelled down to Guildford to be with Nick while he made a start on all the necessary jobs that need doing when someone has died.

He was feeling in a very nostalgic mood so we went on a mammoth walk of Guildford to show me all his old haunts. I was proudly shown his childhood house, the best sledging slopes in the town, sites of old dens, favourite cycling routes over the downs, and I also learned the names of most of the people on his old paper-round. (Tim, I was even shown your smoking hiding place up by the castle.)

We got rained on quite alot but it didn't really matter. Nick was too engrossed in telling me stories about his Dad and other memories he had from living in Guildford.

For some escapism we went to see 'My Super Ex-girlfriend' at the cinema. I must say, that film was much better than it had any right to be. Obviously it was ridiculous, but funny all the same. The tone was set in the first scene as the leading man asks his side kick 'if you were a super hero, what powers would you want?' To which his friend looked thoughtful for a second and then replied 'To be able to blow myself.'


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