Eleanor and Alex came to stay this weekend. We had a fun busy time and squeezed in the following:
A walk around town followed by a walk around the Loch.
A few pints at the pub
Lots of home cooked meals
A trip to the Scottish Quilt annual exhibition (more on that later)
Hours of computer game playing (Nick and Alex)
Making a little beaded drawstring bag (Me and Eleanor)
Trip to the cinema to see 'The Queen'
Fat boy's breakfasts.
Walk along the canal
Trip around Linlithgow Palace
Scones in a cafe
Afternoon naps
More food, including Nick's special apple pudding (secret recipe.)
Eleanor and Alex like to be busy as you can see! We are exhausted!
While Nick and Alex played lego star-wars on the x-box, I took Eleanor along to an exhibition of quilts and fibre art in Edinburgh. Despite us being the only 2 people in the entire building under the age of 50, it was actually really interesting with some amazing quilts on show. There were also workshops and demonstations that you could participate in. It was at one of these free demonstaions that we made our first quilting faux-pas.
Us: (entering the room marked 'workshop 1' full of women sewing)
Angry looking woman: Yes? Can I help
Us: oh, is this the demonstration?
Woman: No! (frowning) that's through there.
Us: (scurry through into another room, where 15 woman are standing around a table. We creep to the side, and I sidle into a chair which enables me to see what she is doing.)
Demonstrating woman: (stops what she was doing and stares at us over her glasses) have you got a ticket?
Me: er, no. Do we need one? I thought this was a free demonstration?
DW: Well it is, but you still need a ticket.
Me: (getting embarrassed because everyone is staring at us) Sorry, we didn't know.
DW: Well all the seats are taken.
Me: (looking around at all the empty chairs, but rising from mine to stand anyway.)
DW: You are welcome to stand at the back though, if you want.
Me: (now trying not to smirk) ok, thanks
Eleanor: (not daring to look at me in case she laughs)
DW: (sigh) right...(recommences her REALLY BORING demonstration)
We stood through 30 minutes of watching the pompous woman stick ribbons onto material then colour it in green, like it was the most complicated thing in the world. Honestly, I could have done that demonstration on 10 minutes practice, and I wouldn't have been so bloody patronising or on a power trip.
A walk around town followed by a walk around the Loch.
A few pints at the pub
Lots of home cooked meals
A trip to the Scottish Quilt annual exhibition (more on that later)
Hours of computer game playing (Nick and Alex)
Making a little beaded drawstring bag (Me and Eleanor)
Trip to the cinema to see 'The Queen'
Fat boy's breakfasts.
Walk along the canal
Trip around Linlithgow Palace
Scones in a cafe
Afternoon naps
More food, including Nick's special apple pudding (secret recipe.)
Eleanor and Alex like to be busy as you can see! We are exhausted!
While Nick and Alex played lego star-wars on the x-box, I took Eleanor along to an exhibition of quilts and fibre art in Edinburgh. Despite us being the only 2 people in the entire building under the age of 50, it was actually really interesting with some amazing quilts on show. There were also workshops and demonstations that you could participate in. It was at one of these free demonstaions that we made our first quilting faux-pas.
Us: (entering the room marked 'workshop 1' full of women sewing)
Angry looking woman: Yes? Can I help
Us: oh, is this the demonstration?
Woman: No! (frowning) that's through there.
Us: (scurry through into another room, where 15 woman are standing around a table. We creep to the side, and I sidle into a chair which enables me to see what she is doing.)
Demonstrating woman: (stops what she was doing and stares at us over her glasses) have you got a ticket?
Me: er, no. Do we need one? I thought this was a free demonstration?
DW: Well it is, but you still need a ticket.
Me: (getting embarrassed because everyone is staring at us) Sorry, we didn't know.
DW: Well all the seats are taken.
Me: (looking around at all the empty chairs, but rising from mine to stand anyway.)
DW: You are welcome to stand at the back though, if you want.
Me: (now trying not to smirk) ok, thanks
Eleanor: (not daring to look at me in case she laughs)
DW: (sigh) right...(recommences her REALLY BORING demonstration)
We stood through 30 minutes of watching the pompous woman stick ribbons onto material then colour it in green, like it was the most complicated thing in the world. Honestly, I could have done that demonstration on 10 minutes practice, and I wouldn't have been so bloody patronising or on a power trip.
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