Quilt gallery
I said before Christmas I would post some images of the quilts I made for my family. So here you are:

This stripey one was made for Grace. It is about 1.8m x 1.2m. It was constructed using random strip piecing with lots of inserted horizontal strips. I really enjoyed 'composing' this piece, and took great pains in the position and colour grading of every single strip. It took me ages to collect all the fabric for this, and even longer to hang up all the strips and shuffle them about until they looked perfect. It has cotton/polyester wadding and a plain dark blue cotton backing.

This quilt was a more tradition pattern using the pinks and purples that Eleanor loves. She had brought me some curtain samples books which I used to make this quilt and gave them back to her! Again it was machine pieced and quilted. Here is a detail in which you can see the 3-dimensional-ness of the quilt:

This next one is my favourite so far and I made it for Nick's Mum, Margaretha. She is Norwegian and has a lovely cottage in the woods by a fjord in Norway. This quilt was based on the colours and atmosphere in that beautiful place. There are lots of silver birch trees, spruce trees, granite rocks and deep blue water. This quilt is a bit smaller, a lap quilt of about 1.3 x 1m.

This was my first attempt at curved piecing. To do this accurately I cut through several layers of fabric at once to ensure that each piece has exactly the same curve, ensuring the resulting quilt lies totally flat at the end. I didn't want the quilting pattern to detract from the coloured blocks so the quilting lines follow the white grid strips, forming a simple pattern of rectangles on the reverse.

I also made a huge double bed sized quilt for my parents, but I forgot to take a photo before I gave it to them at Christmas.
I am also half way through another very contemporary quilt for our own bed, again with curved pieced blocks in creams, yellows, beiges and browns. Will keep you posted on my progress.
love the quilts rach! and thought you'd like to know that I've got a new job (and as you can tell have taken to leaving comments rather than emails...) eleanor
Wow, they are amazing, they must have taken you sooo long to make? Quilting is something I've never tried but would love to give it a go one day.
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My last comment had too many typos in it to publish! It said that your quilts are seriously beautiful and put my attempts to shame! And that you can't put a price on your own chicken's eggs...
Also that I got your blog from PP and hope you don't mind me reading!Fiona
Of course not! and thanks for your comments, I love getting them.
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