Hillfoot Harmony
I have joined another choir. I have been going for 4 weeks and last night I did my audition, which I passed. It is a complete departure for me because it is a barbershop chorus - a totally different style than I have been used to. Although it's sometimes quite formulaic, the close harmonies can be tricky to sing. I am singing a middle part which is musically the most difficult place to be in close harmony. Good for my ears (and brain) though.
The best thing about singing barbershop are the costumes. If you have ever seen a ladies barbershop chorus you will know what I mean. For concerts we have a variety of costumes ranging from gold glittery ponchos to black diamante tunics with matching false eyelashes. We all have to wear the same bright make up. It is hilarious - totally camp and fabulous.
I have quite alot to learn - everything is sung from memory and there is a fair bit of choreography with each song. Luckily everyone is really friendly and don't mind poking me when I'm supposed to be doing some complicated swooshing movement at the same time as remembering the words to 'give my regards to broadway' that I only picked up 10 minutes previously. Then of course there is a whole new make-up technique to be learnt. Rouge, Barbie pink lipstick and turquoise eyeshadow - mmmmmmm
The best thing about singing barbershop are the costumes. If you have ever seen a ladies barbershop chorus you will know what I mean. For concerts we have a variety of costumes ranging from gold glittery ponchos to black diamante tunics with matching false eyelashes. We all have to wear the same bright make up. It is hilarious - totally camp and fabulous.
I have quite alot to learn - everything is sung from memory and there is a fair bit of choreography with each song. Luckily everyone is really friendly and don't mind poking me when I'm supposed to be doing some complicated swooshing movement at the same time as remembering the words to 'give my regards to broadway' that I only picked up 10 minutes previously. Then of course there is a whole new make-up technique to be learnt. Rouge, Barbie pink lipstick and turquoise eyeshadow - mmmmmmm
Just came over from Primrose Hill and having been having a good laugh about the cyber twin / test thing, great fun.
Oh and congrats on the turquoise eyeshadow etc!
Well done you!!! The costumes and make up sound great and soooo camp!!! A good sing song is great for the soul!!!
Congratulations on joining the wide world of Sweet Adelines! I've been directing a chorus for nearly 15 years here in Canberra, Australia, and I love it!!! The camp comment made me laugh, at contest with the glitter and the false eyelashes we have certainly been compared to drag queens. For those dropping in, check out the international website www.sweetadelineintl.org
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