Monday, February 26, 2007

what a week

We have had an exhausting week, mainly due to Nick's Uncle who has been visiting from Norway, and Nick's Mum who came on Friday too. It was good fun but tiring.

Following my morning of sewing on Friday (prior to the arrival of Mother-in-law) I got really enthusiastic again about quilts. This is a bit of a miracle for me - a crafting hobby that has lasted nearly a year? whats going on?? Normally I try something, learn everything there is to know about it, master the skills, and then move onto something else.

I think the reason that quilting has held my attention for so long is because a) You can't master the skills in a month; there are always more things to learn, and b) It is more of an art form than a craft, which means the possibilities are endless.

I am a bit of a self conscious artist. I get a bit embarrassed making art for arts sake - like I am bearing my soul a bit too much. Perhaps that's why I like making quilts and useful things like that. I can create art that has a purpose. No-one can look at it and say 'so what are you trying to express here?' If they do I can reply 'nothing, it's just a bed spread', and keep the meaning and symbolism to myself.


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