Game on for my trip to Ohio!

I’ve received the confirmation letter from Nancy Crow, with directions, supply lists, hotel information, etc etc. Now all I have to do is book flights, car hire (how do you drive with those weird American gear lever thingys?) accommodation, buy METRES of fabric, and other sewing accoutrements.
I bought some of these bundles last time I was in America, and the hand dyed quality and subtle variation of the colour is stunning. I realise I have spoiled myself working with these lovely fabrics – the flat commercially dyed stuff looks so boring to me now!
So, I am contemplating having a go at dying some of my own fabric, as a way of procuring large amounts of different shades of colours at an affordable price. However I’m finding it quite hard to find suitable dye. Sure, there are lots of the Dylon machine dyes around, but they are expensive for the amount you get, and I’m looking for dyes I can mix up myself to create gradations of colours. If any of you crafty people out there have any ideas, let me know!
I will have to do my dying in the kitchen when Nick is not at home. I couldn’t bear his eagle eyes watching me to make sure I wasn’t dying the worktops, or subsuming the kitchen utensils.
Mind you, he has every reason to be suspicious. When I was in my soap-making phase I subsumed all sorts to the soap making cause. I used measuring jugs for measuring, saucepans for melting oils, spoons for mixing, and cake tins as moulds. Even the food processor didn’t escape. I tried to keep quiet about it but one day Nick noticed that his tea tasted a bit soapy and ordered me to buy replacements, and to keep my soap making utensils separate. He did have a valid point. At least I now have a box full of my special ‘crafty’ kitchen utensils I can use for my dying experiments!
Hi Rach!
Sounds like you're going to be busy! Have you thought about using plants to dye fabrics? There is a page in my "A Greener Life" book about using natural materials for dyeing - I'll scan it and e-mail it to you if you like? I would highly recommend the book, I've got a link to it on one of my posts from this week.
L xx
Oh my gosh! I want to go spend a week with Nancy Crow! I have been thinking of taking one of the fall workshops, but I'm still deciding.
If you are looking for a great book on fabric dying I would suggest Ann Johnston's book, COLOR BY ACCIDENT.
I'm getting out my dye supplies this weekend! Can't wait!
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