Here's an interesting thought.
In the event of a disaster, it would be better to save 8 of my first cousins rather than myself because collectively they hold more of my genes than I do.
This is a bugger as I only have 5 first cousins who are genetically related to me. Perhaps cloning is an option?
In the event of a disaster, it would be better to save 8 of my first cousins rather than myself because collectively they hold more of my genes than I do.
This is a bugger as I only have 5 first cousins who are genetically related to me. Perhaps cloning is an option?
Slow day at the office?
I thought quality not quantity was important?
What if you have more than 8?
I would save myself without a doubt - not being bigheaded or anything but I know what my cousins are like & 1 me is much better than 8 of them!
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