Post for Architects only
Do any of you Architects out there have the Cavity Tray Ltd booklet knocking about your desk, like I do? It’s A6 size, and Orange and has every kind of cavity tray, flashing, DPC, perp-end vent and solum vent product imaginable.
Is it just me or does flicking through the book bring you out in cold sweats of worry? I was happily looking for the Type X remedial cavity tray for gable abutments when my eye was caught by numerous other products I never knew existed, but now know are indispensable! Oh no! I didn’t specify a Type Q arresting barrier!
And before, when I just specified ‘perp-end vents’, I am now faced with the choice of a see through beak weep, an adjustable telescopic weep, or a euroweep-vent, as well as the basic type W cavity perp weep ventilator.
I suspect the only Architect reading this will be Jane, and she probably has 10 technicians working for her who take on the responsibility of fretting about perp end vents. My technician (note the singular) is too busy to help me at the moment, and my new year out student only started on Monday and is just starting to learn how to draw straight lines in CAD. The mine field of beak weeps might just scare her off for good.
For the education of Non Architects:
A type X Cavitray:
Every stepped and staggered gable abutment must be so constructed to prevent rainwater and dampness from penetrating below the abutting roof line. This is because the external skin changes status below the roof line and becomes an internal skin. Accordingly, any preformed system must meet three basic requirements:
1 It must prevent dampness from penetrating below the critical stepped roof line.
2 It must externally weatherproofs and flash the physical roof/masonry intersection.
3 The arrangement must always protect the inside skin also from becoming damp.

A Beak Weep provides an alternative way of releasing penetrating water from lintels and cavity trays installed within a cavity wall. The beak weep matches the height of a standard perp joint, but has a reduced front section shaped to be almost indistinguishable from the mortar joint.
Is it just me or does flicking through the book bring you out in cold sweats of worry? I was happily looking for the Type X remedial cavity tray for gable abutments when my eye was caught by numerous other products I never knew existed, but now know are indispensable! Oh no! I didn’t specify a Type Q arresting barrier!
And before, when I just specified ‘perp-end vents’, I am now faced with the choice of a see through beak weep, an adjustable telescopic weep, or a euroweep-vent, as well as the basic type W cavity perp weep ventilator.
I suspect the only Architect reading this will be Jane, and she probably has 10 technicians working for her who take on the responsibility of fretting about perp end vents. My technician (note the singular) is too busy to help me at the moment, and my new year out student only started on Monday and is just starting to learn how to draw straight lines in CAD. The mine field of beak weeps might just scare her off for good.
For the education of Non Architects:
A type X Cavitray:
Every stepped and staggered gable abutment must be so constructed to prevent rainwater and dampness from penetrating below the abutting roof line. This is because the external skin changes status below the roof line and becomes an internal skin. Accordingly, any preformed system must meet three basic requirements:
1 It must prevent dampness from penetrating below the critical stepped roof line.
2 It must externally weatherproofs and flash the physical roof/masonry intersection.
3 The arrangement must always protect the inside skin also from becoming damp.

A Beak Weep provides an alternative way of releasing penetrating water from lintels and cavity trays installed within a cavity wall. The beak weep matches the height of a standard perp joint, but has a reduced front section shaped to be almost indistinguishable from the mortar joint.

Ahem! Don't forget me! A very worrying post indeed Rachel! I have not specified any of these things in my cavity wall - oops, better get to it! Although this is a very informative post (and you have saved my loaded grumpy rich NGR-type client from the perils of damp penetration) i think i prefer it when you stick to chickens and quilting! If you get a chance will you e-mail me your new contact details.
whoops - Sorry Ros!
I don't have any loaded grumnpy clients at the moment. I have skint grumpy clients who are constantly trying to save money. Sounding familiar? It's the caravan club all over again...
Perpy dweep pimps... or whatever? You realise that all of us non-artichoke types know you're making all that stuff up to impress us. And it's not working. Back to quilting and griping please...;-)
I can't believe i just wasted 2 minutes reading this! You complete and utter GEEK! xx
....uh uh uh've lost me and now my brain is bleeding.
When you are in Sheffield and Tim and I are talking about networks or some other PC related topic, don't ever call us geeks. :-)
I actually have to confess though that I thought the article was quite interesting in an 'I know nothing about this' kind of way.
Hi for a real alternative try the "Smart Tray" the unique and proven steel cavity wall tray system, the only cavity wall tray that is installed through a single cut in the wall, for more info please visit
Best Wishes
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