Rock on!
Last night Nick dragged me along to see Rush, a rock band of his youth, at the SECC in Glasgow. I will admit, I wasn’t really in the mood, but once we got there the spectacle was so fascinating that I actually enjoyed it, despite the prog-rock nature of the music, and the smell of BO.
Here is what I observed:
57 – Average age of the Band members
44 – Average age of the audience members
20% - Women in the audience (no queues for the loos!)
14 – Number of women I saw wearing snake skin stilettos, fishnet tights and leather mini skirts
80% - Unacceptably unattractive people.
9.5 – length in minutes of the drum solo
4 – times I gagged after being pressed into the armpit of an aging rocker.
2 – times the lead singer attempted to jump in the air with his knees together and one foot going forward and one foot going back, but realised too late he was too old to try that.
3 – Number of times Nick and I looked at each other, smirked, and remarked ‘Spinal tap’.
10 – times I nodded off listening to Nick reminisce about being 15 and loving Rush.
Recently some of you requested that I return to my staple post subjects: chickens, sewing and moaning, so marvel at my skillful and seamless link between the two most unlikely of subjects, Rock concerts and quilting:

Rock on!
The image and link for the website was sent to me by Tony. It cheered me up immeasurably.
Here is what I observed:
57 – Average age of the Band members
44 – Average age of the audience members
20% - Women in the audience (no queues for the loos!)
14 – Number of women I saw wearing snake skin stilettos, fishnet tights and leather mini skirts
80% - Unacceptably unattractive people.
9.5 – length in minutes of the drum solo
4 – times I gagged after being pressed into the armpit of an aging rocker.
2 – times the lead singer attempted to jump in the air with his knees together and one foot going forward and one foot going back, but realised too late he was too old to try that.
3 – Number of times Nick and I looked at each other, smirked, and remarked ‘Spinal tap’.
10 – times I nodded off listening to Nick reminisce about being 15 and loving Rush.
Recently some of you requested that I return to my staple post subjects: chickens, sewing and moaning, so marvel at my skillful and seamless link between the two most unlikely of subjects, Rock concerts and quilting:

Rock on!
The image and link for the website was sent to me by Tony. It cheered me up immeasurably.
I cannot quite get my head around the idea of marrying quilting with heavy rock. I went to look at the website as per your link - and just thought..."what? !!!!"... It must be my age!!
that's exactly what I thought. I would love to meet the person that makes those quilts.
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