Monday, February 18, 2008

Quick Quilting

A couple of weekends ago I spent a really nice day with Lisa in Glasgow, fabric and trimmings shopping.

After spending an hour and a half in VV Rouleux it became clear that Lisa’s current love affair with all things red and white, and her love of the country cottage aesthetic was starting to rub off on me too. I went home and had the burning desire to make a red and white patchwork quilt for Lisa, using one of the most traditional patchwork patterns, the log cabin.

Generally I go to great lengths to design my own quilts, and I’ve never actually made a traditional log cabin quilt before, but Lisa’s description of her country cottage inspired me to rootle through my growing fabric stash and plan this quilt. (click picture for closer look.)

I wanted to use a red and white gingham as the main fabric but as I added more fabrics the gingham didn’t look right anymore, so it got put back in the cupboard for another day. I loved the combination of fabrics here, most of which I got from this company.

The main achievement for me was the speed at which I made it. The combination of using a design I didn’t need to agonise over, nice straight seams, (normally I hand cut wavy lines which is very time consuming to piece together) and repetitive chain piecing meant that I finished the top in about 7 hours and had it quilted and bound in another 5 hours. I think that’s my record!


Blogger Primrose Hill said...

Hi Rach!

As you know I absolutely LOVE my quilt, and the colours are just perfect, once we get the lounge done it will sit perfectly against what I've got planned!

I snuggled up in front of the fire with it on Friday night and fell asleep on the couch under it last night, it's just the perfect size.

I have told so many friends about this amazing friend I have who can rustle up a quilt in no time at all, they all feel extremely inadequate now!

It's arrival cheered me up so much in what had been an extremely gloomy week. Thank you again, you really are a very special friend :)

sending lots of love and hugs,

L xx

3:21 PM  
Blogger TB said...

Wow, Rachel, you put that together with enviable speed, and it looks great. I like the diagonal quilting lines--not what is usually seen on log cabin quilts. You're awesome!

3:48 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

In case you have another empty evening, my living room is cream, burgundy and silver grey. Thanks!!!! I'll trade you a quilt for a ride on my horse xx

7:15 AM  

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