Whilst on my blogging break I was busy doing all sorts of things. I made quite a few quilts, including a lovely old fashioned looking one for my niece in dusky pinks greens and cream.
I have also nearly finished my entry for the Scottish National Quilt Championship, which is in 4 weeks. I decided to set myself a challenge and do a self portrait, and here is the result. (Click image if you want to see it bigger)

It is made from over 4000 circles of chocolate brown wool appliqued onto cream calico, and quilted with turquoise thread. It's about 70cm wide and 120cm long. I regretted starting making this after completing about 4 rows of circles because it took so long to cut them out and position them all. I persevered for weeks because I knew it would be worth it in the end. The only thing I would do differently would be to piece together an interesting background instead of using plain cream, but maybe that's something to think of next time. (I can't believe I'm even considering starting another project like this - I'm bonkers) Here's a detail:

All that's left to do it sew on the binding (the edge piece that neatens it up) and attach a sleeve on the back so it can be hung in the exhibition.
I have entered 2 quilts, both of which have been accepted and will be displayed in the competition exhibition at the Royal Highland Showground on Sep 29 -30th.
This is the first quilt competition I have ever done. I sure have come a long way from here.
(P.S. a few people have asked me how I made this quilt. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
I have also nearly finished my entry for the Scottish National Quilt Championship, which is in 4 weeks. I decided to set myself a challenge and do a self portrait, and here is the result. (Click image if you want to see it bigger)

It is made from over 4000 circles of chocolate brown wool appliqued onto cream calico, and quilted with turquoise thread. It's about 70cm wide and 120cm long. I regretted starting making this after completing about 4 rows of circles because it took so long to cut them out and position them all. I persevered for weeks because I knew it would be worth it in the end. The only thing I would do differently would be to piece together an interesting background instead of using plain cream, but maybe that's something to think of next time. (I can't believe I'm even considering starting another project like this - I'm bonkers) Here's a detail:

All that's left to do it sew on the binding (the edge piece that neatens it up) and attach a sleeve on the back so it can be hung in the exhibition.
I have entered 2 quilts, both of which have been accepted and will be displayed in the competition exhibition at the Royal Highland Showground on Sep 29 -30th.
This is the first quilt competition I have ever done. I sure have come a long way from here.
(P.S. a few people have asked me how I made this quilt. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)